Pfleiderer Deutschland GmbH
LivingBoard face contiprotect P7
Registration Code: ERA6LU
Quality phase Sentinel Holding Institut GmbH
ENV1.2 Version 2023 Risiken für die lokale Umwelt
(48 Holzbau und Fertigholzhäuser: Holzwerkstoffe im konstruktiven Holzbau)
QS 4
Labels recognized by DGNB
KG 500 Außenanlagen und Freiflächen
Product description
Wood particleboard type P7 in accordance with EN 312, heavy-duty, for structural purposes for use in humid conditions, unfaced and 100 % formaldehyde-free bonding.Instructions for use
This panel type can be used under tough and inclement conditions. With the unsanded contiprotect surface, it offers even better moisture resistance and swelling values. Thanks to the formaldehyde-free gluing, this wood material satisfies the special demands on healthy living in wood panelling and interior fitting.Contact the manufacturer
Pfleiderer Deutschland GmbH
Pfleiderer Deutschland GmbH
Ingolstädter Straße 51 92318 Neumarkt
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D-s2,d0 ge…