Trimo d.o.o.
Qbiss Screen
Registration Code: 5SF9TD
Product description
Qbiss Screen brings a system-approach to ventilated façades. Prefabricated elements produced in a controlled environment are delivered to the building site with consistent quality. Suitable for both new-build and refurbishment projects, it comprises of an aluminium honeycomb or a mineral wool structural core, held between two metal skins. Qbiss Screen is equally applicable as exterior or interior wall, as well as interior ceiling and external soffit. With an extremely flat design, Qbiss Screen is also engineered to meet the A2-s1, d0 fire classification and withstands high wind loads to larger spans than conventional rainscreens. Qbiss Screen H, a 50 mm thick element is a composite made of two pre-painted gal¬vanized steel sheets with joints and honey-comb core. The composition of materials gives elements visibly higher level of surface flatness, high load-bearing capacity, mini-mal thermal expansion, thermal deflection and resistance to humidity Qbiss Screen H+ comprises of an alu¬minium honeycomb core, inserted be¬tween two metal skins, with each ele¬ment corner formed without cutting or folding. All joints are specially formed for fixing and sealing, with prefabricat¬ed lap joint on the side for self-weight fixing.
1.Class A2 limited combustibility classification,
2.Quick installation with reduced amount of barring sub-frame system up to 60%,
3.Lightweight elements for simple on-site handling and installation.
1.Compatible with Qbiss One façade elements,
2.Various joint and installation options,
3.Wide range of colours and material finishes.
1.Fully prefabricated and self-supporting element.
2.Rounded corners without cuts, folds or welds,
3.Extreme element flatness.
THE TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTIC PRESENTED IN DGNB NAVIGATOR: Qbiss Screen H & Qbiss Screen H+ Panel thickness (mm) 50 mm Panel lenght:4000 mm Mass (kg/m²): 14,40 Core: aluminium honeycomb Reaction to fire: A2-s, d0 Combustibility of insulant core: non-combustible Class A1 Suitable for corrosion environment: C2, C3, C4
Instructions for use
A metal rainscreen Qbiss Screen is designed for ventilated façade applications and for both new-build and refurbishment use. Appropriate for external facade cladding and soffit applications for mixed-use developments, data centers, airports, residential, public, and healthcare buildings.Contact the manufacturer
Trimo d.o.o.
Trimo d.o.o.
Prijateljeva cesta 12 8210 Trebnje
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