Zambelli RIB-ROOF
Registration Code: L31WK7
Product description
RIB-ROOF metal roof systems can be easily combined with a solar or photovoltaic system. Whether new construction, renovation or retrofitting, RIB-ROOF Solar offers several options for attaching roof-parallel or elevated solar or photovoltaic systems to the metal roof quickly, easily, securely and, especially, penetration-free. The technical properties of the RIB-ROOF metal roof systems are not affected. Your advantages: Matched and tested system; Quick and easy installation; High level of prefabrication reduces additional components; Flexible use, also for additional facade solutions; Fastening options for module clamps also availableInstructions for use
Contact the manufacturer
Zambelli RIB-ROOF
Zambelli RIB-ROOF
Hans-Sachs-Straße 3+5 94569 Stephansposching
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